Do I Need a Des Moines Traffic Violation Lawyer?
When someone is charged with a speeding ticket, they not only risk paying high fines; they also risk points on their license, license suspensions, and more. We are here to work to prevent that from happening.
Penalties for a Speeding Ticket in Iowa
In most cases, a speeding ticket is classified as a simple misdemeanor. Depending on how fast you were traveling at the time you were issued your ticket, you may face a variety of fines, as well as points on your license. You may receive anywhere between a $20 fine (for speeding no more than five mph over the speed limit) and a $100 fine for traveling 20 mph over the speed limit. Further, you will also receive an extra $5 fine for every mph after that.
For example, if the speed limit was 50 mph and you were caught traveling 75 mph, you will most likely face a $125 fine. Even more worrisome than the fines is the potential of receiving points on your license. Points on your license may cause your insurance premiums to skyrocket, which can essentially have you paying for your speeding ticket for months, or even years to come.
The Consequences of Reckless Driving in Iowa
Reckless driving is defined as operating a motor vehicle with the willful and wanton disregard of the safety of others. In most cases, reckless driving is a simple misdemeanor, warranting a potential $625 fine and up to 30 days in jail. For a second reckless driving offense, you may face a potential 30-day license suspension, as well as the aforementioned penalties.
Cell Phone Violations in Iowa
If you are caught violating Iowa’s distracted driving law by texting while driving or otherwise using a cellular device without hands-free capabilities, you will most likely face a simple misdemeanor, for which you will pay about $100 between fines and surcharges. If you are caught violating Iowa’s distracted driving law and the violation led to an injury, you will face a $500 fine, surcharges, and a potential license suspension of up to 90 days. Finally, those who cause the death of another person by violating Iowa’s distracted driving law will most likely face homicide-by-vehicle charges, as well as a potential $1,000 fine, surcharges, and a 180-day license suspension.
School Bus Violations in Iowa
Iowa has very serious penalties in place for those who are caught unlawfully passing school buses. For a first offense, you may face a potential $250-$675 fine, a 30-day license suspension, and up to 30 days of imprisonment (in lieu of or in addition to a fine). For a second offense, you may face a potential $315-$1,875 fine, a 180-day license suspension, and up to one year of imprisonment. For a third or subsequent offense, you may face a potential $315-$1,875 fine, up to one year of imprisonment, and a potential 180-day license suspension. You should also note that if you unlawfully passed a school bus and injured or killed another person, you will most likely face even harsher criminal penalties.
Contact a Des Moines Traffic Violation Lawyer
While many people do not think it’s necessary to hire an attorney to combat a traffic violation, they couldn’t be more wrong. Our firm is here to help mitigate the consequences of your ticket, and, in the best cases, have it dropped altogether. Contact Herting Law, PLLC today to learn more about how we can assist you.