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Why Is It A Bad Idea To Speak To The Police Without A Lawyer?

It can be nerve-wracking to be interrogated by a police officer, even if you know you haven’t done anything wrong. In these situations, many people worry about seeming suspicious to law enforcement. While most police officers intend to catch the right criminal, there are cases where an officer could pressure a suspect into a false confession. This is why it’s always better to be safe than sorry and get legal help before talking to law enforcement. Have the police recently contacted you to ask for information about an ongoing investigation? If so, you might be wondering if a lawyer can help you ensure that the police don’t infringe on your rights. Our knowledgeable law firm has the answers you’re looking for! Continue reading to learn more, or reach out to a Des Moines Criminal Defense Lawyer for individualized legal counseling.


Yes, our law firm recommends hiring (or at least speaking with) a criminal defense attorney before you speak to police officers about any crimes or investigations. Even if you haven’t committed a crime, the police might still suspect that you are involved in a criminal case. There’s even a chance that officers could lie to you and manipulate you into getting certain information. The best option is to consult an attorney who can help you to decide what to say to the police officers. You always have the right to have an attorney present during an interrogation, so you should take advantage of it.


Remember that you are protected by the Fifth Amendment, which means you have the right to remain silent. You should avoid telling the police any information that could possibly incriminate you. Your attorney will be aware of the different manipulation tactics that officers use, and your attorney can prevent the police from pressuring you into a false confession. Anything you say could be held against you later. Also, keep in mind that while the police are legally allowed to lie to you, the opposite is not true. If you are caught purposefully giving false information to the police, you could be criminally charged. It’s better to stay quiet than to lie.

If the police have recently asked to question you about a crime, you should speak with a trustworthy lawyer right away to help you protect your rights. The good news is that our highly experienced legal team is on your side! Contact Herting Law today for an initial consultation.

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