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What Are the Penalties for an OWI With a CDL in Iowa?

Those who drive commercial vehicles transporting goods or people have a tremendous amount of responsibility. Commercial driver’s licenses aren’t easy to get, and unfortunately, if you’ve recently been charged with an OWI while operating a commercial vehicle, there is a very strong chance that you may lose your commercial license. When a commercial driver gets an OWI, not only will he face a wide array of standard penalties that come with OWI charges, but his livelihood is also on the line. Please continue reading and reach out to a Des Moines OWI lawyer from Herting Law PLLC to learn more about CDL OWIs in Iowa and how we can help if you’ve been charged with one. Here are some of the questions you may have:

What BAC warrants an OWI with a CDL in Iowa?

As you probably know, in most cases, it takes a BAC of .08% or higher to receive an OWI. However, if you are a commercial driver, you only need a BAC of .04% or higher to receive an OWI. Further, if the arresting officer can prove that you were under the influence of drugs at the time of your arrest, you may also receive an OWI. While you may be tempted to simply refuse to take a breathalyzer test, you should understand that you will be charged with a refusal, which also results in very serious penalties upon conviction.

What are the penalties for an OWI with a CDL in Iowa?

If you are convicted of a first-offense OWI with a CDL or a refusal charge, you will most likely lose your CDL for one year. If you were caught driving while under the influence and you were transporting hazardous materials, you will lose your CDL for three years. For a second offense, you will most likely permanently lose your CDL.

You should also understand that even for a first offense, you will most likely lose your standard driver’s license for up to six months as well. You can also expect high fines, the potential installation and use of the ignition interlock device in your vehicle, and jail time (in certain cases). Rather obviously, these are all very serious and impactful consequences, which is why you must hire an attorney who is ready to fight your charges at every turn.

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