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How Long Will I Lose My License For a Third OWI in Iowa?

The state of Iowa takes driving under the influence seriously. Prosecutors can punish defendants who are convicted of an OWI with a variety of harsh penalties and things can get worse for you if you have multiple convictions on your record. You can lose your license for a long time after a third OWI, and we don’t want that to happen to you. That’s why you should contact a Des Moines OWI lawyer if you are facing a charge. We’re ready to help you defend yourself.

How Long Can My License Be Suspended For a Third Offense?

When you get charged with a third OWI, a license suspension is certain to be on the table. The state is going to look back at your history and say that you are a risk to others on the road. Driving is a privilege and you have lost yours.

A third OWI conviction can result in your license being revoked for up to six years. That’s six years of being unable to drive yourself anywhere. That’s six years of being completely reliant on others or spending extra money on rideshares. No one wants to deal with that kind of inconvenience, but that is what you will be facing if you get convicted with a history of OWI charges.

Can My License Be Suspended For Other Crimes?

It’s also important to note that your license can be suspended for other related crimes. A good example of this is the refusal of chemical testing. Iowa has a law about “implied consent.” This essentially says that if the cops want you to submit to chemical testing because you are suspected of driving under the influence, you must consent.

When you refuse, your license can be taken away for up to one year. Refuse a second time and that revocation can last two years. Finally, your third offense can result in you losing your driving privileges for up to three years.

Should I Hire an OWI Lawyer?

You should not face these charges on your own. Any time you get charged with an OWI, you need to talk to a defense attorney. We can help you formulate a defense and challenge the prosecutor’s evidence. If you can avoid a conviction and keep your record clean, that makes it easier to avoid a long-term revocation of your license in the future. As long as a conviction does not stick, you won’t have a record that encourages the prosecution to pursue the toughest possible penalties.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

When you are ready to learn more about what a defense attorney can do for you, contact Herting Law, PLLC. We can schedule a case consultation and take the time to learn more about your situation.

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