If you want to win a criminal trial, you need to have a strong defense. Having an experienced Des Moines criminal defense lawyer on your side can’t hurt either. You want to create “reasonable doubt” and show the jury that there are holes in the state’s case against you. That can be difficult to do on your own, but an attorney from our firm will do their best to help you figure out the best strategy for your case.
What is Reasonable Doubt in a Criminal Trial?
The prosecutor’s job is to prove your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Essentially, any reasonable person looking at the state’s case against you should be convinced about your guilt. This is a high bar to clear, and many cases simply do not meet this standard.
Your lawyer can help you figure out where the holes in the prosecution’s case are and where there are opportunities to create reasonable doubt. Is there a possibility that someone else committed the crime in question? Was the defendant acting in defense of themselves or others? In a criminal trial, you just need to show that there is another reasonable explanation or possibility.
Should I Talk to the Police Before a Criminal Trial?
You should start thinking about defending yourself as soon as you have been arrested. That means protecting yourself from the minute you get arrested. The cops may tell you that they can help you. You just need to be truthful with them.
You have the right to remain silent though, and we suggest that you use it. Talking to the police is extremely unlikely to improve your prospects. It’s far more likely to hurt you, so don’t give the cops any extra information that may end up getting used against you.
When Should I Hire a Lawyer?
This is why you should hire a lawyer right away. Don’t wait to hear the charges and then figure out if hiring your own attorney is worth the expense. Have a lawyer with you in the interrogation room, right after you are arrested. They can communicate on your behalf and prevent you from incriminating yourself.
What Can a Lawyer Do For Me?
We have mentioned a few ways that defense attorneys can help you with your criminal trial, but we have hardly scratched the surface. A lawyer from our firm can also:
- Accuse police of illegal search and seizure
- Get evidence thrown out
- Protect your constitutional rights
- Have charges dismissed entirely
Your lawyer may be able to end your criminal trial before it reaches a jury.
Schedule Your Consultation
If you are facing criminal charges, you need to take them seriously. Contact Herting Law, PLLC and schedule your consultation. We can take a closer look at your case and help you figure out the best course of action.