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How can I avoid an OWI on Halloween?

Children aren’t the only ones who get excited about Halloween. It is common for adults to plan and attend Halloween parties for friends and family. These celebrations typically involve alcohol. We urge you to know your limits when drinking this Halloween. More drivers and pedestrians are on the road than normal, creating an even greater risk of accidents and injuries. Drivers should never operate a vehicle while intoxicated. If they do, they will be charged with an Operating While Intoxicated (OWI) charge. If you drive while impaired, you are putting everybody at risk. If you have been charged with an OWI this Halloween, contact an accomplished Des Moines OWI Lawyer who can defend your rights and interests. 

How can I stay safe and prevent any OWI accidents from happening this Halloween?

Planning a party?

This Halloween, if you are planning on hosting or attending a Halloween party, you should plan your transportation ahead of time to ensure you get home safely. If you are hosting a party, you have a responsibility to ensure no one leaves your home with the internet to drive while intoxicated. You should take provisions to prevent any guests from endangering themselves and those on the road. This might mean collecting everyone’s car keys at the beginning of the party. This way when you go to give someone their keys to leave, you can see if they are too intoxicated to operate a vehicle. If they are visibly drunk, you should not give them their keys.

Additionally, if your guest is too intoxicated to drive, you can call them a cab, Uber, or Lyft. You may also call a sober friend or family member to pick them up. If they leave you no choice, you might also have to call the police to stop them from harming anyone. As a host, you should remind everyone before the party to plan their transportation.

Attending a party?

If you are attending a party this Halloween it is imperative that you do not get behind the wheel if you are intoxicated. It is important to know your limits when drinking. The first thing you should do before arriving at a party is plan how you are going to get home. This means finding a designated sober ride. Even one drink can impact your ability to operate a vehicle safely. By planning ahead of time, you are protecting everyone’s safety. You want to eliminate any possibility of getting behind the wheel while impaired. Make smart choices.

In the unfortunate event that you do get charged with an OWI charge, contact one of our dedicated and trusted team members to help you through the process. Don’t handle this on your own, allow us to provide you with our legal assistance.

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