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Can a Felony Be Expunged From My Record?

If you were once charged with or convicted of a felony but you’ve taken the steps required to rebuild your life and stay on the right side of the law, you may be wondering if you can clean up your record. Some crimes can be removed, or expunged, from someone’s record, but how do you know if you’re eligible for expungement? A Des Moines criminal defense lawyer can tell you more about your options.

Can a Felony Conviction Be Expunged or Sealed?

First, we have some bad news. While many types of misdemeanor convictions can be expunged, a felony conviction cannot be erased from your record. This is true no matter how long it’s been since your conviction or how much work you have done to live a law-abiding life since then. There are even some types of misdemeanors that cannot be expunged, so unfortunately a felony conviction is going to stay on your record no matter what you do.

This is why it is so important to fight a felony charge with everything that you have. You don’t have to worry about a felony conviction on your record if you never got convicted in the first place.

Can Dropped Charges Be Expunged?

If you were only charged with a felony, you might have options. The court will consider your request to expunge a felony charge. So if your charges were dismissed or you received a verdict of “not guilty,” you may be able to clean up your record.

You have to go through the Clerk of Courts’ office and submit an application the have your felony charge expunged. The letter used to apply for expungement has specific instructions and the court cannot give you legal advice. This is why it is recommended to have a lawyer on your side. An attorney from our firm can guide you through this process and help you apply for expungement.

Will a Landlord or Employer Be Able to See My Expunged Record?

One of the best things about getting a charge expunged is that this means that the record is no longer available to the public. Cops and others in the legal system would be able to look up your charges, but many other people would not.

This means that your felony would not appear if a potential landlord does a background check on you. If you interview with an employer, they won’t find out about your felony charge if it has been expunged. This gives you more privacy and helps you avoid societal stigma, but it’s important to remember that this option is not going to be available to you if you are convicted.

Can a Lawyer Help Me?

So if you are facing any kind of criminal charges, contact Herting Law, PLLC. We will look at the unique circumstances of your case and come up with the best possible defensive strategy. Do not try to fight felony charges on your own. Let our experienced attorneys assist you.

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